donderdag 27 maart 2008

Fetch python

My second, slightly preferred, proposal is related to Fetch. I've contributed to the project and use it for my Bachelor year assignment, Tsmells. Fact extraction for python would be awesome, to say the least.

The goal of this project is python support for Fetch. Fetch is an open source tool chain which performs static analysis on object oriented software systems. Use cases include architectural conformance checking and re-documentation, model querying by developers, internal quality trending and effort estimation based upon static analysis. Currently C/C++ and Java are accepted as input languages.

Since UA is not a mentoring organization (did not apply), I submitted this proposal as a 'no_org'. Bart Van Rompaey has agreed to mentor me on this.

Kdevelop application

As part of a greater scheme - promote testing in FOSS - I want to code state of the art xUnit support for kdevelop as a gsoc.

Here's the abstract:

The goal of this project is support for xUnit frameworks in Kdevelop4. More specific: QtUnit, CppUnit, Check and PyUnit.

Automated testing with the aid of xUnit frameworks is popular and known to have a positive influence on software quality. However, IDE plug-ins are fairly rare. With good tool support writing and running unit tests can become more efficient and fun. Since xUnit frameworks share a common structure, a generic approach is feasible.

Fingers crossed.


This will primarily serve as a log for google summer of code related stuff.